TFG Global Insurance Solutions Ltd. offers Canadian travel medical insurance for Canadian residents travelling from Canada to other parts of the world. We offer a variety of different plans for Canadian Residents currently in Canada who are covered by and continue to be covered by their provincial medical plan. All premiums are in Canadian dollars. The plans are available to residents of Alberta, BC, and Ontario through this website, which is owned and operated by TFG Global. If you live in another province, please contact TuGo directly at: 1-800-663-5389 & quote TFG456

The travel insurance plans with TuGo do NOT cover anything related to COVID-19.

Get a quote and apply online

After making payment online, you will be able to print your travel insurance policy confirmation online – it will contain the policy and claims information you need to take on your travels. Please download and read plan terms and conditions before you purchase. If you are already abroad, contact us for another solution.


TuGu provides a variety of travel insurance plans. Each plan provides the Insured a unique level of coverage, and many can be purchased together to suit the needs of your particular trip:

  • Annual Multi-Trip Travel Medical Insurance

    Emergency Excess Hospital/Medical insurance coverage that covers the Insured for multiple trips of specified durations over the course of a single year. Available to Canadian residents only. Available to Canadian residents covered by provincial government medical plan only.

  • Single Trip Travel Medical Insurance

    Emergency Excess Hospital/Medical insurance coverage that covers the Insured for single trips world wide including USA or plans which cover you world wide excluding USA, and plans which cover you travelling within Canada. Available to Canadian residents covered by provincial government medical plan only.

  • Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption

    Before- and After-Departure Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption insurance coverage for single trips. Available to Canadian residents only. Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption

Policy Options for Canadian Residents Covered by Provincial Medical Plans

The following options are available to Canadians residing in Alberta, BC and Ontario for most of the plans listed above:


Insured individuals may obtain coverage for additional days for their single or annual insurance policy by purchasing an extension. Extensions are available prior to or after departure, subject to certain conditions – and you will need to contact TuGo to request the extension.


Insured individuals may upgrade their plan duration or coverage options after purchase. Upgrades are available prior to or after departure, subject to certain conditions.


Individuals who have coverage for a portion of their trip under other health insurance plans may purchase TuGo insurance as a “top-up”, which covers the individual for the full duration of their trip. Top-ups may only be purchased prior to departure. Please contact us if you would like a quote for top-up as this can’t be purchased online.